To request a Refund and Cancellation, reach us at
Note that Orders can be canceled within 6 hours of placing them.
In case of a refund after return, once the returned item is received by us, the customer is notified through email, and the refund transaction is carried out.
Customers may choose to receive the refund through the same account they ordered the product from, or through a new account, details of which they’ll need to share.
Once approved, the refund will be transferred to your account on the very day right away. Usually, there is a processing time involved at the end of the credit card companies, due to which customers might see a lag in the transaction.
Restocking Fee
5% restocking fee will be charged on every refund request.
Getting your refund
Once we receive the item, the refund is issued within 5 business days. Once the refund transaction is carried out, you will receive an email letting you know.
Note that after the refund is carried out, PayPal may take 3 to 5 business days to process it, and credit card services may take up to 30 days, depending on your card provider. If the delay in receiving persists, the customers are advised to contact the relevant credit card company.
Canceling a return request
It is easy to cancel your return request. Just reply to your previous return request email mentioning that you want to cancel it. Once balanced, the customer will not be able to refile a return request. We accept returns within 15 days of product delivery.